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Posts posted by 24_7_on_heels

  1. 5 or 5.5 or sometimes 6" I am comforatble at al that hights Last record stike on metro Amsterdam 6 miles on 5,5" (10 km) from work to home. After the walk a evening with movie and dance at 6". And no hurts the next day. Hurray. Esther 24_7_on heels

  2. I also have a pair of ballet boots. But it is very difficult to walk in them. So I only can wear them at home.


    For me to. Once I have tryed to wear them outside. But thats to difficult. Iwear them in the house more of les 50% of the other 50% normal 5"or 6". But the ballets are mostly for training. Who of you wear the ballets in bed to?


    What are they like to wear? Does it hurt to wear them even when you're not walking round? (if it's possible to walk at all, im not sure)

    Hello SarahLou,

    The ballets hurts for the first couple of weeks. Also if you had hh experience. My toe hurts te most and the mussle a bit. But after a couple of weeks your are used to it en after say 8, 9 weeks the pain fade away.

    The biggest problem is the temparature of my feets. Esspecialy at night. but you can solve that. Lay back your night cover to your knees. That wil do.

    Walking is a very, very diificult ecperience. At first the pain, (that will fade). Second your balance, different from normal hh. You need to balance iin every! direction whitout the support of your "normal" toe position. Thirt, I am so tal in my ballets. There is only one solution. Practice as much as possible.

    If your are planned to wear them buy lether one's!

    My second pair, I love them, are whit wedge 8" heel. From Piazza special order Germany.


  3. Just wondering, and guys please dont post on this, but how many of you other girls wear ballets? To those that do, just for bedroom time or do you wear and walk in yours?


    Hello Jen,

    I completed new here. My name is Esther and about 2 year permanetly heeled. The 18 last month day and night (1/1/2005)

    The last 4 month I wear ballets at night. (verry difficult) to get my feets more stretched.

    Very nice this forum. Nice reading and read your story with special interest.

    Kindly regards

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