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Posts posted by SwooshSoFast

  1. I still don't have the courage to go out in heels, I've done it maybe once to class, but even with my boots only being about 2.5" in height what really keeps me from wearing them is the fact that they have a hard rubber hollow heel, so whenever i walk they practically make gunshot noises, or at least that's how it seems to me. I prefer not to draw attention to myself if I can avoid it.

  2. Hello, it's nice to have found a site like this! Admittedly enough I'm pretty relieved to see on this site there are other guys who have a like for heels. It's always seemed somewhat of an awkward subject to think about. I've recently discovered a preoccupation with heels, and while mostly what I like is around 1.5-3" height, I honestly haven't had much chance to try more. I've always wanted to wear some in public, too - just can't find anything that doesn't look blatantly flamboyant or that doesn't sound like I'm firing a magnum with every step. Hopefully I'll have a good chance to discuss things like this on this site, I'm looking forward to it!

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