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Posts posted by WisHighHeels

  1. I finally did it. After several times of going into my local payless shoes store and trying on more then a few boots and heels I finally broke down and purchased a pair of boots. They were last years style on sale for $20.00 and fit me like a glove, which a lot of boots and heels don't do. Of course, since they were on sale, I not only had to get them, but also wear them out of the store. I continued running my errands, with shopping and stopping at Starbucks, with a lot of looks and stares, they must have heard me coming, but not one comment to my face. I also wore them to my stylist who noticed them and complimented me on them. She said they look cute with my outfit which was just a pair of jeans and layered tops. My only regret was not being able to read the minds of those who saw, who stared, and then turned away when I looked at them. Thank you all for you helping me step out and be who I am.

  2. I have just recently joined HHPlace but because of the courage of so many today I ventured out wearing my boots with 3" heels. I went to the bank and went inside so everyone would know who I was and then to a small store near my house. No one made any comments to me personally but ladies at the store were looking and whispering. I didn't care. I held my head high and used cash to make my purchase.

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