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Posts posted by katherine881

  1. I am a new member here, and I would like to say that I bought my first pair of boot cut jeans this week. I have found that they allow me to wear higher heels with most if not all of the heel hidden underneath the jeans. I have to admit that I have not paid much attention to boot cut jeans before now, but they give me some definite possibilities. I have been buying and wearing women's shoes now for more than 20 years, but up until now I have not been bold enough to wear higher heels in public places. But, I have worn a couple of different pairs of 3.5 inch heels this week into several public places, and it has been very enjoyable. I even wore a pair into 2 different shoe stores and tried on a couple of pairs of women's shoes in one of the stores. I agree with some of the comments I have seen here: Q: Why are you wearing women's shoes? A: They are mine and I enjoy wearing them. They look nice on me, they go with my outfit, they make me look taller and they are much more fashionable than men's shoes. That sums it up perfectly for me.

  2. Thanks for the replies! I think this will be a wonderful place for me to be. I have updated a few pics in my "shoes" album, so check them out. I do get out and about fairly often while wearing shoes from my collection. I will admit that I am not (yet) bold enough to wear the higher heels in public although I have worn 2.5 inch heels a few times in public. I enjoy the excitement of wearing women's shoes in public trying to be discreet while at the same time somewhat hoping to be noticed by the ladies. I also really enjoy shopping for new shoes - I just bought a new pair today!It is my desire to wear shoes from my collection more frequently while out and about. That's why I would love to get feedback, especially from the ladies who are members here. More female "approval" would likely give me the encouragement I need to "go for it" more frequently. I look forward to more posts here. Katherine

  3. Hello,

    I have been an admirer of women's shoes for a long time, and I have been wearing them for more than 20 years! I always prefer to see an attractive woman wearing sexy shoes, but I also enjoy the look and feel of wearing them myself. I also enjoy getting my shoes wet and messy. I have a photo page showing my collection, so please check it out. I'll admit up front that my photos are not very exciting, but I'd love to get advice on how to "spice" up my collection. I would ESPECIALLY love advice from the ladies who are members here.




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