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Posts posted by eraserhead

  1. Thanks! That helps. I don't know why I couldn't find that myself. Maybe I could ask a more specific question. What prompted my question today was trying to describe a boot style I spotted. Does anyone know if there's a name for the style of boot that the leg part kind of fits the calf in a shapely fashion? Not a loose fit and not stove-pipe straight either. Does that make sense?

  2. Hi there, Occasionally while I'm out I've seen some shoes or boots that I think my wife would love, or that I think would look great on her. When I get home I try describing them to her and am usually asked what style they were. Not knowing my footwear style vocabulary I try describing them to the best of my ability but I often end up leaving her with a confused "I think I know what you mean" look on her face. If I've seen them on display in a store it's not so bad because we can just return there together. It's much more difficult when I've spotted something someone's wearing in public. Does anyone know of a style glossary somewhere I could reference to brush up on my style vocabulary?

  3. Hi everyone, :) I sort of stumbled across this site while looking for information for a gift for my wife. She's become somewhat of a heels collector and I've become a great admirer. It looks like I've found a great resource for our shared interest.

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