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Posts posted by MrStiletto

  1. First Welcome to the forum, I hope you find yourself comfortable here. Now about your post! I also am in my 50's with a wonderful wife that has totally excepted my heel wearing. If you read just about any one of the threads in the guys section you'll find many many guys do wear heels in any public setting. I think I have one of the greatest jobs in the world, being a manager in a ladies shoe store. You can find me in heels every day at work, going out for dinner or a movie. The point I am making is there are many of us here using heels in everyday life without a second thought

  2. First of all "welcome to the forum"! I also hope you find many friends here. Speaking to the idea of men in heels, there are alot more men in heels than you think. Of course some men have no fear of wearing what ever they choose, (some what like your feelings for perfumes) Most will seach out a more masculine looking heel. I am in heels every day at work! For the work day I choose a more taylored shoe. (Something with a 2.5 or 3 inch stacked heel and a rounded toe. They are more comfortable standing all day in them) After work I have no problems in a stiletto. My suggestion is to dig out those platforms from your closet dust em off and slip em on. Youl be surprised they that most people won't even notice and the ones that do won't care. Give it a try!

  3. I am not the guy that wears heels the entire day but I do wear them every day. At work, at home, working out in the yard, shopping, basically any time I wish. There is just one person that I care what she thinks about what I am wearing (my wife) and I guess she doesn't have a problem with me is heels because she buys alot of them for me.

  4. Step-by-step instructions to become a heeler:

    1). Get your own pair. That way if you cause scuffs, breakage or other damage you don't have to come up with excuses.

    2). Get a pair that fit properly. Improperly fitting heels are excruciating and probably account for 95% of the "My feet are killing me" complaints.

    3). Don't go overboard right at the start. Start out with 2.5 - 3 inch heels at the beginning, and look for a block-type heel because these offer more support. Plus, a 2.5" heel on a loafer looks nondescript enough that you should be able to wear them almost anywhere. This will build your confidence as you grow accustomed to them.

    4). Insert your feet in the usual manner.

    5). Stand up. Enjoy the feeling of the elevated heel as you gather your balance.

    6). Pick up your right (or left) foot and place it ahead of your left (or right) foot. Shift your weight to your right (or left) foot.

    7). Regain your balance.

    8 ). Pick up your left (or right) foot and place it ahead of your right (or left) foot. Shift your weight again.

    9). Regain your balance.

    10). Go to step 6 until you arrive at your destination.

    When you no longer have to think about your heels, when they become a natural extension of your feet, you may "graduate" to a higher heel (just like we do here by posting). You will be prancing in 5" stilettos in no time!

    one thing you forgot. When walking try to heel toe walk, that is is the one thing that will make things easiest for you to walk. But there is a down point to that one. Heel toe walking is the biggest action that will break tall stiletto heels if not done right . That is the main reason new heelers MUST start with lower heel height. I agree with Guy N, Heels wedges are great to start out with. You can work your way up to a 4 inch raise and still feel like you are supported by a flat shoe. Once you can walk well in them switching to a block or stiletto shoud be easy
  5. 6' tall bare foot for me. Wearing anything up to 5 inches I don't have any problems. The only time I have to duck is in my kitchen with that damn ceiling fan light. I told my wife it needs to be raised

  6. I can speak from one who knows, there are sales people sympathetic to your situation. dr1819 just authored a thread about a rather nice experience he had, which I can imagine many of us here on this board wish had happen to them. As a manager in a ladies shoe store I have taken it upon myself to train my staff to behave in a professional manor no matter who is buy what shoe for who ever. I have even done just as the proprietor in Dr's thread has done. Unfortunately the trick is to find sales help like that in your area. If you find this a bit un-nerving and are unable to find a store in your area there is always the net. There are many many places on the net that you can buy from, most with a mail in form.

  7. Also straight and married! My wife is jealous I have more heels than she and walk in them better than she. I wear heels at home and at work. I might have second thoughts about wearing them at school tho. As far as the whole gay/bi or straight thing you answered your own question, you said you like girls. Oh and nice boots!

  8. Both Dawn and n_l have hit it on the head, however I would also have to add her heels fit her very well. It makes a difference if they fit right. I see ladies try and can't even stand up in heels in my store but others well its like they run laps in 5 inch heels.

  9. Well from my point of view it looks like you have a good handle on things. As for the weight ... well I think we all could loose a little weight so CONGRATS to you for seeing it and deciding to make the change. If you keep up with that attitude all will be well!

  10. Before I put my two cents in just let me say I am sorry I have been for so long work has been driving me nuts. The holiday season was a fantastic one and then the new season style change had its interesting issues.

    As for your dilemma I agree with Hoverfly, the truth is far better for everyone involved. I think Dawn was trying to mention that you don't want to start a heated argument. Just point out that your shoes were in your room, and tere should be some level of privacy.

    But the bottom line is the are your shoes! Good luck I hope all goes well. Let us know how you make out !

  11. It depends on the size and type of heel as to how fast I can run. A 4 inch heel that is a stiletto does slow down the pace but a 4 inch block heel I can get a pretty good pace. It also has a lot to do with how comfortable you are walking in heels. Someone like JeffB who is in heels all the time I could imagine could runn quite well in heels. I am not in heels 100% of the time but I have been heeling for at least 30 years, so I find it easy.

  12. Working a gazillion hours due to the holiday shopping I haven't had the chance to see what has been going on here, so please excuse the tardiness of this post. Going back to the ugliest fashion of them all ... ugg boots! I got a company memo to put them in the front of the store and high light them. I did as requested and sold none of them. I have sold out twice now the skecher leather boot with the 4 inch heel. As Jeff said its nice to see. Heel-D I love those wedge heels where did you get them.

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