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Posts posted by newinheels

  1. No not yet. I have only recently worn heels around the house (with the support of the wife). However, that is a bit limited as I do not do it in front of the kids (no need to confuse them). As far as going out I cannot even consider it. I have quite a bit of visibility in the community. I might work up the courage some day but it is not possible due to the community I live in. I guess there is nothing to do about it except perhaps if I am out town.

  2. Hello all from a newbie. Most of my life I have been fascinated by women who wear high heels. I find them very sexy. I secretly had a desire to try them and wear them but could never get the courage. I finally had enough and told my wife who was supportive. (Interesting in that the first time she saw me in heels she asked questions like "what size" "are they comfortable" etc like she would ask one of her girlfriends.) I have tons of questions as it has been literally just a couple days since I put on a pair of 4" pumps. I thought I was the only one who likes it but it feels great. I wish I could wear them all the time. Anyway, I will post more later with a ton of basic questions.

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