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Posts posted by Heeled

  1. For you chaps across the pond, do they have the "Walk a Mile in Her Shoes" events over there? It is a charity event in the US promoting anti-violence against women (and men too I would imagine). During the event, men wear high heels and walk for some distance. I have participated in two of these events, it is a good way to get out in heels comfortably (especially good for newbies), and at the same time promote a good cause and have some fun!!! sf

    Yes they do. There have been quite a few events over here in the UK in recent months - my local newspaper carried a report about a chap who had participated in one of them.

  2. Well done Heeled !

    Those are nice sandals indeed. Are they your first pair of heels ?

    Since you cannot attach a picture to your post yet, here they are for others to see.

    Next step: Street heeling ?

    Thanks for the complements guys. I'm beginning to get used to the sandals now. :silly: The first time I put them on, it felt strange and yet at the same time exciting, as if an ambition had been realised. Not sure if I'll try street heeling yet, one for later though - although the biggest step for me was buying them.
  3. I'm a newbie here, so be gentle with me. :) I've had a liking for high heels since I was a teenager and in fact (before my feet grew larger to a size 10) I used to try on several pairs of my mum's sandals whenever she was out. The feeling I used to have was one of - well, it's very hard to describe, but sheer elation comes pretty close to it. I've just taken the plunge and bought my first pair of high heels on eBay, a pair of "Juliet" sandals which I can't wait to receive and try on, although I won't be wearing them outside just yet! With finding this group, it's nice to know that I wasn't alone with my teenage try-ons. For any girls reading this, what are your thoughts of men in high heels?

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