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Posts posted by MyKeyG

  1. When I lived in Dublin I was friends with a very nice Australian couple. The wife often wore these black leather knee high, heeled boots. She would wear them over her trouser legs whenever she went out showing them in all their glory and they almost became an obsession. After about a year in Ireland her husbands Visa was withdrawn (why I don't know he was a very talented programmer) and they decided to give up their appartment to travel around Europe returning back to Dublin intermittantly to sort out the red tape. We had a spare room in our rented house and I told them they could leave their main baggage there and use the room as they travelled from and to Dublin. When they were ready to leave for Australia he gave me a whole bunch of techinical stuff that he thought I might use and also a box of various clothing and personal items they had to choose to leave behind. They asked if I would chuck them out. Yes you guessed it. Those beautiful high heel boots were in the box. I thought my head would explode, it was one of those situations you've convinced yourself can never possibly happen and then it did. I told myself 'are these sexy boots actually going to become mine?' I said 'of course I'll dump them, but why the clothes?' and she said 'oh these are what we bought for the Irish weather'. When I moved apppartment to live on my own a few weeks later I would come home from work and put them on every single evening. I still have them and while they're not necessarily the sexiest in my collection, the fact that I admired them for so long and now get to wear whenever I like makes them that extra little bit special.

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  2. Hi everyone. I'm early thirties and have loved high heels for as long as I can remember. I'm very fortunate to be in a relationship with a girl who embraces my views, wears a larger than average size and has great taste in heels:smile: It's refreshing to think I'm going to be enjoying high heel conversations with open minded people of similar appreciation. Look forward to it. M

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