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Posts posted by MSpookshow

  1. Hey guys, Yep, that picture has gotten a lot of attention on Tumblr. That was my birthday dinner outfit, and I originally sent the picture to the company I bought the skirt from to post on their Tumblr. To be honest, I wasn't even sure if they would post it (although they were more than happy to), and certainly didn't expect the huge reaction it got. When I woke up the next morning, my blog had received over 4,000 page views just that night, had went from 17 followers to 50+, and I had around 30 messages to respond to, all of which were positive. It was a pretty great birthday gift. I started the blog to just try to get the word out about men's fashion freedom & having the courage to be yourself. So far, the message is being received very well, and I couldn't be happier about that.

  2. Bravo on trying something new, CRabbit! I'm very impressed that you just went for it! It's too bad you didn't like the skirt, though I agree with an above poster that pencil skirts can sometimes be a bit hard for us guys to pull off. I only own one pencil skirt and I don't wear it very often. Anyhow, look forward to hearing more from you. Keep rockin' it out!

  3. Hello, everyone.

    I'm posting this here in General Fashion because I want the opinions of both sexes and the content at hand does not relate only to high heels, so this is probably the most relevant section even though I worry it may not get as much traffic through here.

    I've been running a men's fashion freedom blog for a little while now, and this site is actually the top provider of visits there. However, I've never received much feedback on the content, and I would really like to know what you guys think / like / want to see on the blog.

    I've also recently waded into the YouTube scene and started producing some companion videos for His Black Dress on there. I'd appreciate it if you guys (and girls) would check out my channel, like my videos, and follow me if you are interested.

    This isn't just about shameless self-promotion, however. I'm really trying to get the message out there about men's fashion freedom, and bring some attention to the fact that it's about time men were afforded the same options as women when it comes to fashion! I really feel like the younger generation may be ready to embrace these styles, and I don't know that there's been a better time for guys to be unique and show a change of style. I'd really like to know what you all think about my blog and videos, and what sort of content you think is important.

    What would YOU like to see from a blog / video channel promoting men's fashion freedom? What sorts of topics do you think are relevant in potentially opening minds to the ideas of a guy in heels (or skirts, dresses, whatever) in 2012? I firmly believe that the only bad response is no response at all, so if you have any criticisms I'm open to hear those as well. At the end of the day I'm just trying to show people that it's cool to be yourself, unashamedly so.

    His Black Dress Blog

    His Black Dress YouTube Channel

    While you are at it, I'm also on Twitter here, and if you have a Facebook account I'd appreciate any votes for me in the Legs of the Year 2011 contest here.

    Thank you!

  4. I went with other. While there are certainly times I find high heels more comfortable, I can't see them ever being more comfortable than some other flat shoes. Also, I don't get caught up in feminine / masculine labels, so it isn't for that. I wear the things that I like regardless of what section of a store they come from, and for me, I just love the look of high heels.

  5. Yeah, I don't think there is really any way to change / butch up walking in heels without it looking silly. Personally, I really try not to worry about masculine / feminine labels, so I just walk the way it feels natural. Hip swaying or walking a line will certainly look a bit more feminine to most people, so that should be avoided if that isn't what you are going for. Oddly, I find that walking in heels just feels pretty natural to me, and I don't feel I have any overtly feminine movements when doing so.

  6. Completely agree with and second what HappyinHeels said above! I've been shaving my legs since I was 16 and in high school, so a little over 10 years. Honestly, I've never been given grief over it. There was one point about a year ago when a female friend of ours noticed my shaved legs and asked, "Why would you do that (shave your legs) if you don't have to?" I simply responded that I preferred them to be shaved. My wife then jumped in and added, "Well it's also uncomfortable to wear tights without shaving." The woman replied, "Oh, okay." and that was that. It's never really been a big deal. That being said, while I love having smooth legs, I do hate shaving. Go figure.

  7. As a freestyler, I tend to ignore the gender labels on clothes all together. Skirts, dresses, tights, heels, all are a part of my wardrobe. About the only bit of womenswear I don't rock is a bra (for obvious reasons, lol). To be honest, despite being a makeup artist by trade, I don't really use makeup too often, unless I have some minor blemishes I want to cover.

    Check out my freestyle fashions on my Flickr photostream.

    Also, I have a blog about this topic (men's freestyle fashion), the link to which is in my sig.

  8. Do any of you guys have girlfriends or significant others? If so, what have their reactions been like?

    My wife has been supportive and accepting. I don't think she really likes the style personally, but it's never been an issue. She does frequently compliment my legs, and she does get some stuff I buy that is too small for me (we are close to the same size) so it isn't a completely bad deal for her, haha.

    She's pretty much a jeans & t-shirt kinda girl, so I think it's a bit funny that I own more dresses, skirts, and heels than she does! Ah well.

  9. Spook I love your style! How long have you been wearing dresses and skirts!?

    That is a look that I would love to work into my wardrobe!

    I'd been incorporating the odd garment into my wardrobe here and there for years, but it wasn't until about February of this year that I decided to truly take my style to the next level.

    Thank you for the compliments! It's been a lot of fun discovering my personal style.

  10. Thanks. I looked at your pics. Really nice outfits. Have you tried wearing some of those outfit with tall boots ?

    Thanks! I've not worn boots taller than mid-calf. This is mostly because as a larger guy I have trouble finding ones that will fit, and also because I find them a little hot here in Florida. I seem to be addicted to ankle boots.

  11. "Men's heels" doesn't really mean anything to me. Honestly, I think it's a bit silly that we (humans) put gender labels on clothing. So I don't really see "men's shoes" and "women's shoes", but rather just ... shoes. In the context of the question, I guess "men's heels" would just be heels that happen to be on a man at that point in time. I chose Heels in Men's Sizes anyways, though I'd honestly like for there to just be a universal shoe size not based on gender.

  12. There's really no doubt that I am on the heavy side. I'm 5'10 and around 275 at the moment (I've lost about 40 lbs so far, working on more). Weight has always been a factor for me with clothing, but I've decided to not let it be anymore. I've always admired the few bigger ladies that still take pride in their appearance and dress fashionably, so why should I be any different? I do tend to wear thicker heels, but I think that's just mostly down to personal preference for me.

  13. This is great. I wore a dress to my school when I was his age as well (although it was Halloween, though I was still the only person in the whole school to dress up lol). Great to see someone else pushing the boundaries, as that's the only way we'll make it less of a taboo. It seems he got quite a bit of a support too, which is cool. It makes me happy to see someone his age not being afraid to be himself.

  14. Okay, so I'm looking for a bit of advice on this first outfit. Does it work, does it need something, or is it just doomed to be eBay'd? :smile: I really want it to work, but I still just have some reservations. I can't quite pinpoint what, though.


    Here is another recent look, this one is just for fun. Regardless, thought you guys may appreciate the classic pumps in this outfit.


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