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Status Updates posted by eoneleg

  1. Nice to hear from you,l thanks; and glad that you are doing well. Work had kept me quiute busy with more than usual travel but I am not complaining. Business is good and I am very thankful for that. And personally, things are very good. Funny how a little romance can make life even more pleasurable. E

  2. Hope all is well for you Was there anything else that I can tell you? Eric

  3. Thinking about it, I think that the life of my heel tips is about the same as when I was on two legs. Possibly, when I began using crutches they wore out more often, but as I gained skill on crutches I did not drag my heel as much and enjoyed a longer tip life. The wear comes in when I take a longer stride and as I plant my foot, the heel bends a little and the wear is to the front part of the tip. Nice to hear from you E

  4. I have my heel tips replaced prefessionally. I have gotten to know my cobbler very well and since only one shoe is involved, he usually does it while I wait. And he marvels that I can wear a stiletto with my crutches. One day I went to see him in a 4" stiletto mule which totally blew his mind. Happenings such as that tend to lift my feelings when I get a down day.

  5. I fully understand how those shoes can lift your day as a sexy mule or another style that I consider daring nor sexy definitely lifts my spirits. I love a mule that feels as if it is falling off as I walk either on crutches or in my peg. A pointed toe stiletto pump with toe cleavage, or a sling with cleavage is another fav. I love that I live in a warm climate so I can wear a very nude sandal year-round also. E

  6. Jealous - I hope because of my shoe. Always nice to hear from you. E

  7. Nice to hear from you. I hope that you are as comfy in yours and I am in mine, some girls just cannot wear points or are reluctant to try them. And I am flattered that you thought of me. Hope all is well, I am doing very well, a lot of travel for business but that is a good thing. Let me know if you go into pointy toes, would love to hear how it goes, Good luck,. E

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