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Posts posted by Ricky909

  1. I find a lot of the hate towards platforms ironic, considering the nature of the Forum we're posting in. Personally I love platform heels. Single-sole heels seem pretty flimsy to me and I don't really like them, so I don't wear them. I haven't acquired any yet, but short platforms such as these I think I'd like as an alternative. I don't like short heels under 4", and I don't like those sky-high heels with no platform either. I like 5-6" heels with 1-2" Platforms because the longer heel is sexy, it re-angles your foot, and any platform adds a great deal of stability.

    I'm only 18 so my collection of heels hasn't blossomed as much as I'd like, yet, but of the 4 pairs I do have, the "Rise" (Heel" - Platform" = Rise") ranges from 3.5-4.25". The 3.5" heels feel a bit awkward to walk in (Mainly because I'm just not used to it) but the two 4" rise and the 4.25" rise feel totally natural. The next pair I want is a 5.25" heel with a 1.25" platform (4" rise).

    I think it can get a bit dangerous when we start singling out certain types of heels and calling them "Cheater heels" or determining the amount of "Credit" they receive. A 5" Platform heel (1.5" Platform) feels different than a 3.5" Single-Sole heel. Maybe standing still will be similar, but when walking, the contact point for the heel is 5" away, even if the foot only has do go down 3.5" after that.

    Perhaps I missed something in the title, but High Heel Place doesn't sound like a platform-exclusive name. My favorite kind of heels are 5-6" Platform Sandals, but since it could be pretty hard to get away with those at, say, a mall (For the stated reason that they are known as "Stripper shoes") I'm trying to find more pump-like styles such as the one I linked above. I still love platform sandals and wear them all the time at home, however (Not to imply I ever venture outside, as I only just graduated High School, just started college, and still live with parents that look unkindly towards any form of cross dressing going as far as throwing away previous pairs they found, then shoving any memory of the incident out of existence).

    As a popular Starcraft 2 commentator stated in reference to fans of the game booing at Call of Duty gamers, "I can't see why people can't just love the shit out of one thing without hating on everything that isn't that one thing." -Sean "Day[9]" Plott

    If you love 3" Cowboy Boots, that's absolutely fine. Stop hating on my 5" Platform Sandals. We're already a bunch of men revolting against a social norm, the last thing we need is to start something between ourselves. [Yes I know this is the For Everyone forum] Love your heels, be indifferent about my heels, and continue to foster the growth of something we all share and love.

    Have a wonderful day.

    Edit for my favorite heels:

    5.5" (1.5" Platform) Pleaser Allure 670.

    6" (1.75" Platform) Pleaser Delight 660FH.

  2. I'm 17 but NOT a street heeler. Can't wait for the days where I am but I live in Los Angeles and just graduated High School and my hobbies involve video games at home with friends from time to time (Who don't know my 'lil secret). The opportunity hasn't exactly presented itself, but I have started wearing my flats when I go out late at night through the drive through (Obviously meaning I never have to get out of the car). My biggest problem at the moment is theorizing outfits that work and deciding that outfits I do have ACTUALLY work, as opposed to "I've just gotten used to it so sure, this will work." I went to New York on a Family Vacation and actually felt like I could walk outside in Heels without a problem, except I was there with family so they didn't exactly know what lie layers deep within my suitcase. We were there for a week and for a few of those days I was home alone in the hotel so I did wear heels in there but never even went outside in them to grab a bucket of ice :) Opportunities missed!

  3. I actually thought about making this same thread a few days ago. I shave my legs to remove unsightly body hair. Even growing up I hoped that I never really had hairy legs because I just don't like it, and it looks even worse when you're trying to wear 5-6" Platform Stilettos with somewhat thick black leg hair poking out. So yeah I shave my legs once every 2-3 days. It's mundane but I hate leg hair. Nobody ever notices either. During my entire Senior Year of High School, only one guy noticed and commented, and he was coincidentally pondering his own leg hair (which was massively thick, arab and all) when he looked down and noticed my shaved legs. It was no big deal though.

  4. Greetings Ricky 909 :-)

    May I ask you if your father and/or mother is aware of your passion for high heels ?

    I live with my mom and grandparents. I was discovered by my mom when I was about 14 or 15 and she had some major issues with it ("Are you gay?" "Why do you do it?" etc) but let it slide for a few months. Then one day I come home and ALL of my stuff (2 heels and one pair of flats) was gone. Since then I think she's blocked the memory and is completely unaware of the 4 Heels and 2 flats (plus lingerie) I've since acquired.

    Lucky for me, I've been able to snag the add-on to the detached garage in our back yard and I'm a computer nerd (I play lots of Starcraft 2) so there's TONS and TONS of time to wear heels alone in my room while I do what I do: Watch tv, play video games, browse the web. It sounds funny but I've "trained" my parents to knock on my locked door so if I do happen to be wearing heels, I have enough time to take them off and hide them before I answer the door.

    Unlucky for me, it's reaching that point where I wish I could actually go out wearing heels, but I'm also in the mindset that I wouldn't get away with it (I also need to actually put some sort of outfit based around jeans and heels together).

    I can say without a doubt heel-focused crossdressing is my biggest secret, and it sucks. I don't do drugs, I don't drink, I don't sleep around, I DO cuss a LOT, and I guarantee that I'd dump my Internet history before I let someone see it, but I love heels, and because everyone around me (and even me myself) is moderate-to-strongly conservative, it's borderline impossible to get away with (I feel).

    Which is why this forum is awesome! :irked: For me at least.

    But I'm young and have plans and stuff, so I obviously can't wait till I can prance around my entire house (not just my room) in Platform Stilettos or maybe, god forbid, go outside in them.

  5. Yeah I have no personal experiences on which to base this, but I'd think a women in heels may experience feelings of "I'm beautiful," while a man would experience "Ok, I got away with it," or "Yes, person who caught a glimpse of me, this is happening." Both men and women however who truly love heels would just have an immense thrill from wearing them.

  6. I have 4 pairs of heels and 2 flats, but I'm obviously planning on expanding my collection. First things first, I need to get out from under my parents' roof; I'm only 17 going on 18 and starting my first semester of college this fall.

  7. I'm a USW10, Men's 8. I'm happy with my shoe size because it seems to be the upper limit of most shoe sizes, but I wouldn't mind 1-2 sizes smaller. I'm also only 17 so I'm just praying like hell that my feet don't get any bigger, but I've been wearing the same size shoes (USM8 Converse) literally since 8th grade. I just graduated HS this year. My only scare was when I had to buy some new Vans (meh) and they didn't have a size 8 so I tried on 8.5 and my feet "barely" fit into them, making me wonder what my size really was. However I just bought some new heels, regular 'ol USW10 and they fit wonderfully, a bit big actually.

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