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Posts posted by standard

  1. What was it like? Not what I would have expected. She didn't really ask me if wanted to, she stated a fact. "You should try them on", and then headed for the back of the store with them. It wasn't really a decision on my part, I felt like I was obligated to follow her and go do it. Good salesmen are like that, aren't they? They make you say and do things more out of a feeling of obligation than anything. Anyway, it wasn't until I got them in my hands and were pulling them on that I started to shake. I was so nervous, and I'm not sure why because the whole situation was not threatening in any way. I was still shaking when I went to pay for them, I could hardly get my wallet open. By the time I reached the parking lot I had settled into a "what the hell just happened" kind of mindset. On the drive home, excitement started to swell up. Like I said in my first post, I admire women in heels, but I never even considered wearing them myself. All of the sudden it kind of seemed like a new world had opened up. I'm not sure I like the fact that I have been exposed to it, but now I want to explore it.

  2. Thanks Thighbootguy, what you say makes a lot of sense.

    A few years ago I was 40, and I got braces on my teeth. Not the nice clear or white ones, but really big ugly metal mess. I was so self-conscious and scared to open my mouth or speak in public for fear of what people would think about this old guy who was probably having a mid-life crisis or something.

    Anyway, after a few days I thought, screw it, I'm like this for the next couple of years and don't care what people think. I don't remember anybody ever even noticing, or if they did they didn't say anything. The only people who mentioned it were those that wanted to have braces themselves and were scared.

    Now if I mention that I had braces as an adult, nobody, not even the people I worked with every day even remember I had them.

    I think probably it would only gain attention if there was lack of confidence. I think people sense that the same way animals sense fear.

  3. Well, a week ago, I would have said no way, but if you read my story in the guys section you will see that yesterday a sales girl railroaded me not only into trying them on, but buying them when I had no plans to do anything of the sort when I entered the store. It was pretty awesome, actually.

  4. Ah, that makes sense. My wife has a really long down coat. It's a little tight on me, but I thought I might put that on and take a stroll outside, and probably nobody would recognize me, or they might think I'm her. It's too warm for that today though. I never thought I would be unhappy about nice weather.

  5. dblair it was called Urban Planet

    JsPikeheels I'm not sure venturing out is in my future. I'm a little curious to know what the challenges are for someone spending a day in heels, dealing with different terrain and situations, but I have no desire to be a spectacle. There are literally thousands of people in this town that know me by name, and a stunt like that would be very detrimental to my occupation, which relies heavily on my reputation. I'm not saying I think less of a guy in heels, but there are small minded people that could have an effect on things that are very important to me, so I won't go there myself.

    roniheels She really was excellent at her job. If she had walked up to me and said "can I help you", I probably would have said no thanks and bolted for the door. Instead she gently pushed me along and made the sale. I had no intentions of buying anything when I walked in there, it seems she had other ideas.

    FXHH I'm not ready to to explain to my wife and kids why I have a pair of size 10 thigh boots. I will get a pic when I have an opportunity, I promise.

    I have a picture to share, as promised, but I apparently don't have sufficient privileges to attach it.

  6. I've been lurking here for a little bit, but never posted before. I didn't really consider myself part of the group. I like a nice pair of heels on a woman as much as the next guy, but never really considered putting them on myself. I've never even tried on a pair of heels, until today. This morning I stopped at the mall to grab a coffee and I saw a sale on ladies boots, and for some reason I just went in and started nervously browsing. I had no idea what I would say if a clerk offered to help. Sure enough, a young perky sales girl walks up and asks me if I'm looking for a bigger size. I manage to stammer out a yes. Then she asked if I was looking for something with a heel. I managed to stammer out a "yeah, I guess". Then she smiled and said she thought she had something I would really like, and after digging around a bit, hauled out a pair of grey suede thigh high boots with a 5 1/2" heel and a 1 1/2" platform. My jaw dropped, there was nothing like that anywhere in the store that I could see. She said they would look really good with the coat I was wearing, and I should try them on (I suppose I was busted). She led me to the back of the store where nobody could see, so I figured, why not? They were a little hard to pull on over my jeans, but not too bad. I carefully stood on heels for the first time, and I felt so tall, and it felt so strange and almost a little scary. She wanted to know if they fit, and I told her I didn't know. She explained that they should be snug around my toes, but a little loose at the heel. I said that I thought they fit perfect. She told me to walk around in them a bit to see how they felt, to which I said that I didn't think so. I mean, I was already shaking from nerves, and everything just felt so unstable, and I thought I already looked foolish enough. But she didn't seem to be judgmental at all. She didn't even seem phased by it. Damn she was a good sales girl, I'm sure she was trying really hard not to scare me off. I then tried to pull them off, and she laughed a bit and helped me get out of them. I had no idea how hard it is to remove thigh high boots by yourself. She asked if I was going to buy them, and I said I didn't see a price tag. She said they were in the clearance area, how did $25 sound? That sounded awesome! I have an incredible pair of thigh high platforms behind the seat of my truck as I write this, but I still have not taken one step in them. I hope I have the the chance soon. It almost reads like some kind of fantasy, but I swear, it really happened. Hopefully I'll be able to get an opportunity to take a picture of them to post in the next few days.

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